University of Akron Soccer—Feels like it was yesterday, but the ’90s were a long time ago. This is me playing for the University of Akron, and looking as tough as I could at 150lbs. What I wouldn’t give to have an HD video of me playing back then. I can’t go back in time and get it, but I can set you and your team up with something I sorely wish I had.
Yep, that’s me getting ready before a hockey game here in Phoenix. This must have been taken around 1998-2004 at Arcadia Ice, Chandler Ice, or Oceanside Arena. I had a blast playing ice hockey, but it was brutal on my lower body. If I film a sports video for you, particularly hockey, ask to see the hockey video that was filmed of me playing—you’ll get a good laugh out of it
I played tennis in my junior year of high school, and a lot of amateur tennis after moving out to Phoenix. I did play league tennis at Indian School Park in Scottsdale for a couple of years. I was a 4.0 player ranking. Hmm, I am not sure why I look mad in this shot—maybe my serve was out!
Riding in the McDowell Mountains in Scottsdale/Fountain Hills, AZ. I never got into competitive riding. However, when buddies and I hit the trail, it was a workout. I did some cycling as well. With the traffic out here in Arizona, I always felt mountain biking was a heck of a lot safer (even with the snakes, critters, boulders, and Gila monsters)! I rode in Flagstaff, Tucson, Sedona, and of course Phoenix. I also competed in the Mountain Man Triathlon in Flag around 1999-2001—I’ve got a funny story about that…