Jeremy Tuber

If video production companies don’t write and don’t provide marketing consulting and advice, should they be filming your online marketing video?

I’ve written a lot of small business marketing articles — offering tips, strategies, and consulting advice — throughout my career. With 70+ articles under my belt, I suppose I have a passion for providing value and education to small-business owners, dentists and dental professionals, and creative professionals looking to bring in more sales, get more customers, and “take their business to the next level”.


For starters, I’ve worked as the managing editor for the Arizona Dental Association since 2010, and in that time, I’ve written and published over twenty articles in the monthly printed 48-page full-color and online journal, Inscriptions. In 2012, I was awarded the International College of Dentists’ (ICD’s) Silver Scroll Award for the most overall improvement during the publication year compared to previous year issues of the publication.


I have also been invited to speak to design students/alumni at local colleges (Scottsdale and Mesa), including the Art Institute of Phoenix and published two break-through books, Being a Starving Artist Sucks and Verbal Kung Fu for Freelancers, which sold in over 25 countries. They were available on Amazon, and on iTunes app. store and Kindle. Funny side note here: I was the first graphic designer in the world to offer an eBook on the iTunes platform — kind of neat, huh?


Last, I also developed a product line of online courses, teleseminars, and audio mentoring CDs that show creative professionals how to make marketing work, as well as run a more profitable and enjoyable business. I’ve mentored a handful of up-and-coming creative professionals, and I also published a blog for creative professionals for a few years and attracted over 50,000 hits.


Because you’re a small business owner / manager or running a dental practice, deciding on which video production company or marketing agency should film a promotional video for your business, should any of this matter to you? Definitely, yes.

Nerd alert if you’re a JRR Tolkien fan like me

In the late ’90s I put together a 72-page JRR Tolkien quiz book called From Anduril to Zirak Zigil—450 Q and As for the Devoted Tolkien Fan. This won’t in any way compel you to hire me to film your marketing video or help you develop marketing strategy! However, it was something else I wrote and published.


If you appreciate Tolkien’s books, you may enjoy this downloadable PDF. Feel free to share it. I wrote it out of enjoyment and not for financial gain.

Here’s what all of this work in sharing marketing and business advice reveal about me:

  1. I get things done, and I can tackle tough tasks — even daunting ones like writing a couple of books on marketing. How many people do you know who feel they should write a book, but never do? I finished the work, wrote and published two books.
  2. I have a lot of ideas about small-business marketing, online marketing, video marketing, and just marketing that works (especially for small businesses) and I love sharing that advice, those tips, and those strategies with others so they can get more customers, get more sales, and get sales faster. I like to help people.


You want the creative professional in charge of your YouTube and social-media marketing video to be willing and able to provide you with ideas, advice, inspiration on how to get more customers / how to get more patients out of your video. I can do that. And I’ll carry the project through from start to finish.

Dental marketing articles and advice

Below is a list of marketing consulting articles and tips that I’ve written for Phoenix and Scottsdale dentists and dental practices over the years.
These articles were published in the Arizona state dental association’s monthly journal.

Small business marketing articles and advice