Jeremy Tuber

Dr. John Harman Dental Care—dentist in Phoenix, Arizona

Director’s notes on the video shoot for Dr John Harman:

Coincidentally, I’d met and actually interviewed dentist Dr. Harman in a random chance meeting at the state dental meeting in Phoenix, Arizona (Phoenix Convention Center) years before. I remembered Dr. Harman, and thankfully, not only had he remembered me, but I’d gotten considerably better at filming and directing.

About the Dr. Harman Dental Care dental practice, Phoenix, Arizona (Arcadia area):

Dr. Harman Dental Care provides specialized dental treatments for your entire family. Our highly trained staff utilizes the latest procedures and dental treatments to offer your family the finest dental care available. We are constantly educating our staff on new techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to provide superior dental treatments to the families of Arizona.


Your comfort is our top priority when you are in our dental chairs. Gentle cleanings, soft touch techniques and a wide range of leading edge anesthetics make your dental experience as comfortable as possible.


We proudly treat patients of all ages and some of our favorite visitors are the children we treat. Dr. Harman Dental Care accepts children as dental patients between the ages of two and three years old. Children can experience their dental appointments with ease as Dr. Harman has always treated children.


Dr. Harman Dental Care provides specialized dental treatments for your entire family. Our highly trained staff utilizes the latest procedures and dental treatments to offer your family the finest dental care available. We are constantly educating our staff on new techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to provide superior dental treatments to the families of Phoenix. Your comfort is our top priority when you are in our dental chairs. Gentle cleanings, soft touch techniques, and a wide range of leading-edge anesthetics make your dental experience as comfortable as possible.

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